
How Coamo reduced disruption with technology Neogrid


Coamo automated 90% of transfer requests from distribution centers and reduced stock outages with DRP Neogrid

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Where can we help you?

  • Loss of sales

    Product outages in stores and loss of sales

  • Capital stopped

    Excess of products with low turnover and idle capital

  • Demand forecast

    Difficulty in forecasting demand

  • Planning complexity

    Complexity of planning for an ideal stock of each product

  • Low operational efficiency

    Low operational efficiency with manual processes in planning and replenishment

  • Uncertainty in demand

    Uncertainty about demand for new products, offers and openings


What does DRP offer?

Increased service level
Increased service level

DRP generates increased level of service based on the continuous availability of products, increasing the chances of your company building customer loyalty and guaranteeing revenues.

Better inventory levels
Better inventory levels

You can always have a balance between consumption and storage, preventing out-of-stock problems for retailers, which generates loss of sales and customers, and excess merchandise, avoiding idle cash in inventory.

Process automation
Process automation

Delivery time, expiration date, inventory level, consumer demand. Calculating variables manually and achieving high assertiveness is basically impossible. DRP does this in an automated manner, so you react quickly to consumer needs.

Success with Neogrid

Companies that had results with the product

Companies that achieve great results with Neogrid

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