Results that can be achieved

↑ 10%

profitability from commercial investments


control of your budget through a system that ensures proof of events


Growth of 21% in volume and 38% in revenue after using the Arker solution.

Get to know the Case


Sales in Bimbo's Snacks category grew 47.6% after the first year of using Arker.

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Where can we help you?

  • Slow and disorganized manual control

    of the commercial budget using spreadsheets and emails

  • Difficulty managing the spending limit

    of the commercial budget, by channel and department

  • Lack of visibility

    to understand how the commercial budget is being used with customers and the profitability of commercial events

  • Revenue loss

    caused by duplicate payments and other manual errors as well as allocation of the commercial team for days when closing the budget

  • Inefficient control

    due to lack of evidence of expenses


How we address the pain points of commercial budget management

Comprehensive platform

Streamlines processes across teams involved in budget management, from planning to execution.

Budget planning

Create a virtual portfolio with the funds to be distributed.

Approval workflow

Salespeople consume the budget from this portfolio and create processes to request extra funds, if necessary, without exceeding the budget limit.

Event management

Monitoring the entire life cycle of the commercial event, from creation to payment.

Proof via photo and QR Code

Every execution of the events is proven with photo and image recognition.

Dynamic reporting

Gain real-time insights into top-performing customers and brands to optimize your strategy.

Support platform

Helps sales teams meet their targets without worrying about budget overruns. 

Registration module

Registration of events with approvals, proof of execution, and submitting information to the finance department for payment processing.

Monitoring module

Track how the team is using the budget, with the ability of understanding the channels, mechanisms, products, and customers where funds are being allocated. Calculation of sales volume without promotions and how events have contributed to increased sales.

Platform that provides visibility into contracts

For the sales team that is negotiating new commercial funds. 

Registration of long-term contracts

With their offsets (variable, fixed, and growth/achievement) and exceptions in a single place.

Automatic review and provisioning

Based on required data (sell-in, sell-out, orders) along with their calculation records.

Payment order issuance

Manual payments when necessary (store openings, fines, etc.).

Creation and submission to ERP

Payment orders based on the reviews and manual entries.

Ledger-style order management

Orders with full or partial payment.

Companies that leverage Neogrid's commercial budget management technology

See Neogrid's solutions in action.

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