About Neogrid
A specialist in automated Supply Chain Management (SCM), Neogrid develops solutions with artificial intelligence to synchronize manufacturers, retailers, distributors, and financial institutions to consumer demand. With data from more than 40,000 retailers, 30,000 manufacturers, 5,000 distributors and around 2 million active products in its base, its competitive advantage is increasing product availability and, at the same time, reducing excess inventory levels.
With a 20-year experience in the market, it integrates and standardizes information systems, provides daily visibility of inventory and sales at the POS, and aligns operations, distribution, and inventory replenishment – always at the pace of consumers.
Our solution suites divided into four business units:

We have the largest supply chain data network in Brazil
Registered and monitored SKUs+3 billion
of price points monitored with AI+1 billion
of reais in commercial funds+500K
POS with sell-out data1 billion
annual invoice reading+16million
of orders processed per year+3.2K
online retailersLinha do tempo
Message from CEO
We are all consumers. We are all clients.
In some measure, every day , we consume something, we enter a supermarket, a store, we access an e-commerce, we look for a necessary, unwanted or preferred product.
Every day, in thousands of establishments and industries, people are here Neogrid – it is the missed and privileged opportunity to help the entire consumer chain operate in a more efficient, more collaborative, more transparent – and, of course –, more technological and data-oriented way.
Everything is so that the industry and o Varejo possam conhecer você melhor. Please make us better. E, more! So that, you – no professional role in this chain – you can make your client better. Atendê-lo melhor.
And this is why Neogrid always innovates.
We are a company with 25 years of history, always guided by ethics, commitment to quality and constant evolution.
Our portfolio of solutions includes technologies that range from the integration of orders, through planning and operation of the supply chain to the execution of warehouse management and commercial intelligence. Always focused on collaboration and delivering actionable insights to unlock the full potential of our clients.
This is how we prove that it is possible for you to sell more and with more margins.
Always be with people!
Jean Klaumann
CEO of Neogrid.
See Neogrid's solutions in action.
If you are a journalist and need data, releases or want to schedule an interview, contact our press office:RFPMA Communication
Fabiano de Oliveira – (11) 99287-5957

Customers Neogrid
Awards and Recognition
Everyone wins when companies operate at this pace.
Consumers find their products. Companies work with no shortages and no excesses. And the world, with no waste.

We take responsibility for making it happen, seeking the best for all parties.

We are tireless in the pursuit of high quality.

We do what was unthinkable yesterday, so it is indispensable tomorrow.

We find simple solutions to complex challenges.
Global presence

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