Data synchronization is a term that refers to the process that institutes consistency among the systems used to operate a business and the continuous updating of that consistency. Using a method of extracting, transferring, transforming and then loading the data to a target system, the steps involved necessitate expert IT performance which is out of reach for many businesses. Yet the benefits of data synchronization are too numerous to ignore —it offers real-time intelligence and improved data quality that cultivates increased efficiency and performance.
Automating the synchronization of product data reduces the costs associated with waste and supply chain inefficiency. However, forward-thinking global synchronization of product data (GDS) solutions allow complete visibility of the supply chain, encompassing the product, distribution and retail level, incorporating POS data that drives accurate alignment. By aligning data through a global network cost savings are ensured. Advantages include:
· Removal of Inconsistencies: GDS delivers expense reduction by removing registration problems, and communication and PO inconsistencies, which reduces administrative and inventory costs.
· Enhanced Supply Chain Control: The flow of goods is tracked accurately for heightened performance. Each product is issued a unique identifier (using GS1 standards) that facilitates data synchronization.
· Supports Productive Communication: Data value and ownership is constantly aligned between trading partner systems to ensure accuracy.
· Standardized Product Data: Using data pools that are connected to the global registry GS1, and that guarantee confidentiality and integrity, ensures that product information and status upgrades are reliable and effective.
Data Synchronization at the global level delivers efficiency improvements that translate into higher profitability. The central repository of information (GDSN) is designed to safeguard both product and partner exclusivity while working within an integrated, real-time environment to deliver enhanced performance.
By understanding the benefits of the global synchronization of data and learning how to execute it, companies can introduce effective waste management strategies that improve their bottom line without launching capital intensive upgrades to their current infrastructure.
Download our retail supply chain collaboration white paper to learn the seven most important criteria in selecting a new supply chain platform.